22 Dec 2009


But to see the market as stagnating you have to overlook the 800 pound gorilla running around the room throwing things all over the place. Twitter. We’re using it every day. If you follow more than a few dozen people you miss tweets all the time, and so what. Twitter doesn’t tell you how many you didn’t read because it doesn’t matter. If it’s important it will come back around again. If not, well no one can know everything.
Twitter found a way to put both the authoring tool and the reading tool on the home page. Had I cracked that nut in 2002, Twitter might have happened a few years earlier.

Twitter's creator, I am sure, did not intend any of this while designing the initial product. All he did was to create a useless, unimaginative tool which makes you think you are so important in the universe - every damn thing you do, every fricking thought that passes through your mind, no matter how inconsequential is worth broadcasting.

Orkut is one such tool which does exactly that- allow you to tell a story, allow you to show off stuff and feel good about yourself. Orkut already being a huge hit with Indian youth, I wonder why twitter is not so popular in India yet. Like many other things, looks like Indians are not good at being narcissistic too. Damn!

Common India, upgrade yourself to ultra sophisticated version of vanity! Use twitter/Facebook.

19 Dec 2009


My five year old cousin took James Cameron's Avatar rather seriously. He goes to the balcony every now and then, looks at the sky and shouts "kooo...hooo...hooo..", waving both hands as if he is mocking at some imaginary creature, and patiently waits for the yellow dragon (don't know what they call it in the movie) to come!

Failure of his repeated attempts at pleasing the Yellow Dragon doesn't seem to have dampened his spirits. He tries again and again experimenting with different ways of shouting, "troooo...hoooo", "yeee..haaaaa" etc., That was funny!

Btw, I watched Avatar in Telugu. Watching Pandora people talk Srikakulam Telugu (ఈ ఆడకూతుర్ని నువ్వే కాపాడాలి తల్లా..) was like eating ice cream and aavakaya simultaneously!

On Happiness, Need and Conflicts - SN Balagangadhara

Insightful paper from one of the greatest philosopher I have known so far. SN Balagangadhara . Full paper here . How important is to teach t...